Welcome to my personal website!

Nullum enim est, quod meram probabilitatem excedat.
(Riccioli, Almagestum novum, 1651)


From the Thales of Miletus’ “falling-into-well” story to Giovanni Battista Riccioli who used to look at quasi-geocentric stars with his telescope, I have come to learn that nothing can be taken for granted and that one step further has to be taken if you really want to try understanding something.

This is why philosophy is essential: It sees the most fascinating aspects of reality through Science.

Guidobaldo Del Monte Medal for the History of Science

October 4th, 2023 – University of Urbino – Centro Interdipartimentale Urbino e la Prospettiva

Riccioli Astronomical System

An intermediate worldsystem after Galileo and before Newton.

Communication of Science

I regularly contribute to newspapers and websites aimed at a broader, not strictly academic, audience with the conviction that science must be communicated in the current context…



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